Swanson Dandelion Root 60 Caps
Swanson Dandelion Root has many healthy benefits. The nutritional content of dandelion extends to all parts of the plant. It’s a rich source of many vitamins, minerals and fiber. Dandelion are a rich source of beta-carotene and polyphenolic compounds, both of which are known to have strong antioxidant capabilities that can prevent aging and certain diseases. Dandelion protect liver tissue from toxic substances and oxidative stress. Some studies have shown that bioactive components in dandelion may support weight loss.
– supports healthy liver function
– antioxidant
– may help lower cholesterol
– regulating blood sugar
– lowering blood pressure
– supports weight loss
– boosting the immune
For centuries Dandelion has been used to treat a myriad of physical ailments, acne, liver disease and digestive disorders.