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      Sugar-Free Jams

      What is a sugar-free jam, and why will it let you combine powerful fitness results with satisfying your sugar cravings? It’s a diet version of jams, replacing empty calories with pure pleasure.

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      How many calories are in a sugar-free jam?

      Up to 85% less than in a traditional jam, as sugar’s replaced with diet-friendly sweeteners, such as Erythritol. One 20 gram serving can have as little as 7 calories, so it’s a guilt-free, healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth. Ideal for morning pancakes, toasts, and waffles that won’t ruin your diet, but will make your day.

      Sugar-free jelly is another interesting option for those, who love sweets but need to stay on the right track with a diet. It’s a light, tasty jam made with fresh fruit and no extra sugar added. It can be used for baking or cooking and will upgrade the taste of every dessert.

      How many calories are there in sugar-free jelly?

      Hardly any, it’s extremely low in calories: just 54 kcal for every 100 grams! It’s a wonderful option for breakfasts and comes in various fruit flavours.
