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      What is vitamin B?

      Group B vitamins fulfil very important functions in the body, which makes them guarantors of health. It is not necessary to consume large amounts, but you do need to maintain a diet that provides adequate levels. Two nutrition experts give us the keys to achieve it.
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      They are organic micronutrients, water-soluble and without energy value necessary for humans in very small quantities, which must be provided by the diet. Although some of them can be formed in variable amounts in the body, such as vitamin B3 from tryptophan and vitamins B1, B2 and biotin synthesized by intestinal bacteria, generally this synthesis is not
      enough to cover human body needs, so they have to be provided by the diet.
      The various types of vitamin B fulfil, fulfil multiple functions in the human organism: they intervene in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins or fatty acids; participate in detoxification processes, tissue growth and red blood cell production; and they intervene in the immune response, among others.

      When to take vitamin B?

      To start your day right, take a fasting B vitamin when you wake up in the morning.
      The B vitamins are a special family of water-soluble vitamins that increase energy and eliminate stress. Some of the most popular B vitamins are B-2, B-6, and B-12. B vitamins have been clinically shown to reduce the amount of stress you feel and improve your mood.